Sue Shink serves the 14th Senate District. She represents parts of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Township, Lodi Township, and all of Blackman Township, Chelsea, Columbia Township, Dexter, Dexter Township, Freedom Township, Grass Lake Township, Hanover Township, Henrietta Township, Jackson City, Leoni Township, Liberty Township, Lima Township, Lyndon Township, Napoleon Township, Northfield Township, Norvell Township, Rives Township, Salem Township, Sandstone Township, Scio Township, Sharon Township, Spring Arbor Township, Summit Township, Sylvan Township, Tompkins Township, Waterloo Township, and Webster Township.
Senator Shink is Chair of Natural Resources & Agriculture, Chair of Corrections & Judiciary Appropriations Subcommittee, Vice-Chair of Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee, and Vice-Chair of Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety.